TexShare provides members with access to LearningExpress Library Plus which contains resources to help users:
Download LearningExpress title lists with complete product content. You'll find separate tabs for LearningExpress Library Plus and PrepSTEP for High Schools - Texas.
Quarterly Content Updates:
PrepSTEP is compatible with Blackboard, Brightspace (D2L), Canvas and Schoology Learning Management Systems (LMS). To initiate setup, you will need to contact TexShare@ebsco.com.
LMS Integration Guides:
See all LMS Integration Guides
Library administrators: Please also view our LearningExpress Recorded Training Sessions
MARC records are crucial to helping users find library resources quickly and easily. Keep your site current, and check for new and updated MARC records on a regular basis as they are updated quarterly (mid-April, mid-July, mid-October, mid-January).
Download the FAQ to learn more: Accessing, Downloading and Updating MARC Records